![]() CAP Sugar Valley Composite Squadron hosts monthly speaker series. These are open to public and cover a variety of topics. On 10/10/17 C/CMSgt Caleb Padiak presented “The Quiddity of Respect” as the topic for our October session. Padiak cited respect, one of the CAP Core Values, as the basis for the other Core Values of excellence, integrity, and volunteer service. “The premise of respect is to recognize value, which is good. We see amazing things happen when there is a lack of respect, and we see equally amazing things happen when there is strong respect.” Padiak gave the example of a young private in Iraq who threw himself over a grenade to save the other members of his team. And what about self-respect? “Self-respect is having respect for your future self. If you respect your future self, then you will be responsible and wise to the best of your abilities in everything.” Padiak closed with this: “There is an inverse ratio between wisdom and the potential to act on it. Being in Civil Air Patrol is a great first step. To everyone, and Cadets especially, do not miss your chances to show respect.”
![]() The Sugar Valley Composite Squadron marked two milestones in its four year history at the July 18 meeting. The squadron held the first Change of Command ceremony and also recognized the first Amelia Earhart Award recipient. First, the Amelia Earhart Award was presented to C/Capt Christopher Herman by the NC Wing Commander, Col Jason Bailey. It is the third milestone of the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program. Serving as the Squadron’s Cadet Commander, C/Capt Herman has demonstrated leadership and integrity in structuring the cadet program and emergency services training activities. Next, Maj Stephen Leighton presented Lt Col Eric Orgain with a plaque recognizing his outstanding leadership and service since the squadron’s beginning in 2013. Following this, Col Jason Bailey began the Change of Command ceremony. Lt Col Eric Orgain passed the command of NC-052 to Capt Tom Conroy, who accepted command of the squadron. Lt Col Ron Cheek, Group 4 Commander, spoke briefly after the Change of Command. The evening concluded by honoring Lt Col Orgain and Capt Tom Conroy with a reception in the Blue Hangar at Sugar Valley Airport. Sixty five guests attended, including squadron members and families and other CAP squadron members. The Sugar Valley Composite Squadron NC-052 thanks Lt Col Orgain for his four years of dedication and service to the squadron, and salutes Capt Conroy as the new commander. Article and photos by: Lt Deborah Leighton and C/TSgt Michael Herman ![]() How would you like to fly in an airplane? Or better yet, how would you like to get some practical hands on experience while flying, and even get to take over the controls? While flying a Civil Air Patrol Cadet Orientation Flight, cadets get to do just that. The primary goal of Civil Air Patrol’s Cadet Orientation Flight Program is to introduce youth to aviation through hands-on orientation flights in single engine aircraft and gliders. Every Civil Air Patrol cadet under age 18 is eligible for five flights in a powered aircraft (usually a single-engine Cessna), five flights in a glider aircraft, and an unlimited number of backseat flights when conditions allow. In addition, all orientation flights are at no cost to cadets. The Sugar Valley Composite Squadron, located at Sugar Valley Airport in Farmington, offers cadets the opportunity to fly in an aircraft every month. Recently, Capt Sandra Smith flew six cadets for orientation flights in a single-engine Cessna. "Though there are hours of preparation to make an orientation flight possible, it is a real thrill for me as a pilot to bring the joy and wonder of flight to our cadets!" Five of the cadets who flew with Capt. Smith were new recruits to the squadron. For four of these cadets, it was their first time in a small airplane. One cadet commented: "You see the world totally different in the air as opposed to in a car!" ![]() During their orientation flights, the cadets received one hour of flying time, plus time in the back seat, with a detailed syllabus of tasks for each cadet’s level of experience. Cadets also participated in the preflight of the aircraft. In addition, cadets that were waiting for their turn to fly were given the opportunity to fly a simulator. The Sugar Valley Composite Squadron meets weekly at 249 Gilbert Rd, Mocksville, NC 27028 on Tuesdays from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. This article, by C/1st Lt. Christopher Herman, first appeared in Davie Co Enterprise on 3/30/2017.
June 2023