You Are Invited to Help Establish a Gathering Place...
Purchase a Brick! A Brick? Yes, a Brick. Purchase a commemorative brick which will be inscribed with wording of your choice. The brick will be placed on the ground around the fire circle to serve as a perpetual reminder of the object of your contribution.
What will your contribution support?Your purchase of Friendship Fire Circle bricks will support the maintenance of the fire circle, plus provide support for aspiring pilots:
~ Flight training scholarships. ~ Scholarships for training as an A&P or Avionics Technician. ~ Oshkosh/Sun 'N Fun scholarships. ~ Hosting AOPA, EAA, and other aviation events. ~ Purchase of flight training equipment. ~ Sponsorship of fly-ins and aviation educational events. ~ Youth aviation education for Boy Scouts, Girls Scouts, EAA Young Eagles programs, and similar activities. ~ Programs promoting aviation safety. |